top share blogger

1855 days ago

Sosandar slides again back towards IPO price – time to buy back in?

In covering this subject, my prime concern is not to hurt the feelings of Britain’s top share blogger, thirsty Paul Scott, who filled his boots at the 17p IPO. Mr Scott repeatedly argued, normally via 3AM thirsty tweet rants, that my tipping the shares was holding them back and so when I advised readers to bank 100% gains at 34p (and did so myself as well) he argued this was awful advice but thought it good for the share price which he saw at 65p+. The stock is off another 5% today at 22p to sell so should we be thinking of horrifying thirsty Paul and buying back in?


2464 days ago

FairPoint to go bust, three lessons to learn and a classic outburst from the UK's top share blogger

First up I must congratulate Paul Scott for sticking with and, I think averaging down, on Revolution Bars (RBG) which earlier this week received a tentative 200p share offer. Paul was right and I was wrong. It happens. I guess my, almost teetotal existence and his extensive field work gave him the edge. Only kidding - it was a great call by Paul and one orf the reasons why he is such a great share blogger. I am sure his session with Nigel Wray at UK Investor 2018 (as well as his live bearcast with me) will justify attendance on its own. But just as a reminder we do not get it all right, here is a classic Scott twitter outburst, regarding Fairpoint (FRP) which said that it would be calling in administrators today.


3026 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 January - Arguing with the UK's top share blogger Paul Scott again

Warning: This podcast contains bad language and some not terribly PC remarks about the Germans. A bit of an argument this morning with Paul Scott, Britain's top share blogger, on the subject of TrakM8 (TRAK). For once he sounded like a bit of a stale bull and I go through the bull excuses when faced with analysis like THIS. I am right on this one. I also cover Environmental Recycling (ENRT) and Motive TV (MTV) both of which are flea ridden dogs with puss ouzing from every pore and should be put down at once. Then it is on to Nostra Terra (NTOG) and Independent Resources (IRG) as well as Northern Petroleum (NOP) and Armadale Capital (ACP). I did not cover Corero (CNS) but I see its shares are slipping so should ask "when is the placing" and I gave Jabba The Hutt a break today but if you need a fix there is an LGO expose HERE


3100 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 6 November - bracing myself for lunch with Paul Scott

Listeners have pity on me. Lunch with the UK's top share blogger beckons. That means the regime which leaves Paul looking so trim and svelt - ie lots of alcohol - plus long lectures on margins in online retailing. If that does not turn a sober fellow like me into a drunken share blogger nothing will. Away from that I explain why I am not really a snob and then make a snobbish comment or two, then discuss CIC Gold (CICG), ECR Minerals (ECR), Falanx (FLX) and Optibiotix (OPTI) and the curse of the Sith Lord Zak Mir and Plethora (PLE) and its premature ejaculation drug. I dont understand what it is all about but invite readers to share their personal experiences so that we can get a grip on what's going on here.
